
时间:2024-07-16 22:52:59




  Sister called TongJiaNing, sometimes she is very clever, sometimes very naughty, aroused lots of fun things in the home!

  My sister. She has a pair of big eyes, although is single-edged eyelid, but that which is twinkle, like eyes will speak, that two curved eyebrows thick, she can be beautiful, the most striking is that cherry mouth, Duan Gong bright lips like pomegranate flowers, hold the, lively and lovely smile and her round face, like two big apple red, who wants to kiss a bite, met her ears like a shell, small and cute with pink. Sister's hair is black and soft, special, special smooth, she has a sakura momoko hair, very lovely, likeable.

  Once, when I was writing homework, his sister rushed in, took my peanuts rubber in the past, in your hands said to me: "elder sister, how the peanut is white? Should not be this color?" I laughed and said. "This is not a peanut, it is peanuts style rafter skin, this appearance is good-looking, compelling, people will buy in the shop!" Sister said: "it is peanuts!" Sister, open your mouth to bite down, I hurriedly give the rubber to rob to come over, angrily said to his sister: "this is the rubber, didn't see it can wipe a pencil to write word! Besides, you also can't eat! Poisoning? You're not obedient!" Sister a pursed mouth, said angrily: "not with hello! Yao is peanuts! Also said not." Say that finish, then gave me a face.

  Our family had a sister, life becomes colorful; Have a younger sister, happy and clinking. You are my favorite sister.




  有一次,我在写作业时,妹妹跑了进来,把我的花生橡皮抢过去,拿在手上对我说:“姐姐,这个花生怎么是白色的呢?应该不是这个颜色的?” 我一边哈哈大笑一边说;“这不是花生,这是花生式样的椽皮,这副模样比较好看,引人注目,在商店大家才会买呀!” 妹妹又说:“明明就是花生嘛!” 妹妹张开嘴巴准备咬下去,我连忙把橡皮抢过来,生气地对妹妹说:“这就是橡皮,没看见它能擦铅笔写的字呢呢!再说你也不能吃呀!中毒怎么办?你太不听话了!” 妹妹一撅嘴巴,生气地说:“不跟你好了!明明就是花生!还说不是。” 说完,便冲我摆了一个鬼脸。


